

I'm Kiaan and welcome to my website

Just a quick info!

This site has been ghost written by my dad,  since I've just been recently born this October 2020, I can't see properly, let alone be able to read and write.

I have made enough facial expressions and I hope my dad understands them all but honestly I think he just thinks I'm hungry or need to burp.

About me !

My hobbies include sleeping, feeding, farting, pooping, but mostly a lot of sleeping.  I think I dream of something , but I cant explain that to my dad just yet, and I will forget it later when I can speak with him.

Well thats it for now, I hope my dad makes a good website, I keep making those facial expressions, but maybe he thinks I need to poop.

My Mom!

who keeps calling me good boy! She's really proud of me. But she looks at my funny. I don't know if she just really likes me or theres something where my teeth should be !?

See you later ! Thanks for checking up on me !